Your Best Fundraiser Ever!
Please fill out the form below in its entirety - all fields are required.
# in Group
# Cards Requested
Participating Location
Contact Name (First Name/Last Name)
Work Phone
Home/Cell Phone
Best Way to Contact
Fax #
Kick Off Date
Card Turn-In Date
Do you wish to participate in a Prize Program? YesNo
If so, which Prize Program Locker Full of Prizes
By signing below, you aknowledge you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Contact Person must be 18 years of age or older and may not be a Subway employee or relative of a Subway employee and does hereby represent and warrant that he/she is duly authorized by the participating organization to enter into this agreement on behalf of the organization. This is a binding contract.
This Agreement is made between Resource Solutions and Participant. Whereas Resource Solutions has developed a relationship with SUBWAY to allow Participant to sell discount stamp cards with SUBWAY's local offers. Local Subway Owner(s) must have a written agreement with Resource Solutions to participate.
Participant agrees to accept responsibility for cards ordered. Participant also agrees to sell discount cards for $5.00, retaining $2.50 and paying Resource Solutions $2.50 for each card sold. Subway discount cards cannot be sold inside or in front of Subway stores. Any cards that are returned must be in good condition or the Participant will be responsible for the cost. Cards must be sent in with payment and will not be accepted for return after payment is made. No cards may be returned 30 days after original due date. Payment made out to Resource Solutions and any remaining cards must be returned via certified mail, return receipt, UPS or other traceable source by the due date and is the responsibility of the participant. The number of cards may be increased later if needed with agreement from both parties. Prizes will be ordered and delivered after fund-raiser. SUBWAY Discount Cards are the property of Resource Solutions and may not be altered or used without permission of Resource Solutions.
Any invoice not paid within 60 days will be subject to interest and any fees, interest or collection charges necessary to collect payment due. 1.5% interest is charged on any invoice over 30 days (minimum charge $5.00). Kansas residents must have a Sales tax exemption form on file with Resource Solutions to be exempt from sales tax. All other residents are responsible for any local sales tax.
Organization Representative
Representative Title
IMPORTANT: Please print this page before sending this form!